The Church of St. Mary, followers of Christ, are inspired by our Catholic Faith to brough the Eucharist, Prayer, and Education, as the family of God, and with one another, we desire to live our faith in the world.


St. Mary's Church Elizabeth, IL

Special Announcement For Cemetery

The Parish Council and Finance Committee approved the updated Cemetery Rules and Regulations listed below at their meeting of Dec. 6 2023.  We ask for your assistance in keeping our cemetery as a safe and beautiful area not only for our visitors, but for the cemetery personnel.  Any questions or comments can be directed to any memeber of the Parish Council or Finance Committee.  Thank you.


Cemetery Rules and Regulations - effective 4/1/24

               (For the safety and efficiency of cemetery personnel)

  •       No planting of trees, shrubbery, or flowers 
  •       No glass or wire allowed
  •       Decorations - Flowers, shepherd's hooks, statues, solar lights, personal items, etc.
  •                   Up to 2 decorations allowed on the concrete base of the monument
  •                   One saddle arrangement allowed per monument
  •                   One additional decoration per grave allowed in the ground

                                           (does no include Veterans's markers)

  •          Any excess decorations will be removed by cemetery personnel

                              Families will be notified that the decorations were removed and will be 

                              told where they can pick them up

  •          All seasonal or damaged decorations will be removed prior to the semi-annual 

                  Clean-Ups on April 1st and October 1st of each year



Pastor Message and Prayer


To be elect

     Prophet Hosea lived in the 8th centry B.C. and his ministry as a prophet, probably took place in the last quarter of the century.  He was not a historian in the modern sense of the term, but he was remarkably good reader of history and was able to see the world events on a larger canvas of history.  He had a gift of understanding the events of history in relation to God and Israel.  In his service as a prophet, he became aware of God's love, and he recalls his nation's humble but marvelous beginnings but also, he saw these years as spiritual and moral decline.  It was a gradual and continous loss of strength and motivation in practicing of spiritual values.  And that caught his attention.

    Prophet Hosea, as he reflects on religious life of his nation, becomes aware of how stubbornly in wrongdoing his people were.  Occasionally, the people have insight and see the object of their turst, but instead of pursuing the truth they choose to make their own path.  The prophet's message is clear: only return to God would be effective; no misplace of religious faith can bring freedom from slavery.  Israel was God's chosen people but they had to understand that election had a purpose, a goal and that, if that goal were not fulfilled, made the election ceased to have any true meaning.

     The Church, according to the New Testament understanding, is also a body of God's chosen people:  "But you are chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God's special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light" (1 Peter 2:9).  To be the elect is to be chosen for a purpose, as St. Peter put it.  Christians are given the respoinsibility of bringing Christ to others, to represent him to opthers, to direct the attention of this world toward Christ.  But if the purpose is lost, the point of election slowly disappears and finally ceases to exist.

     The principal purpose of an expensive military line of defense is to creat security, but it has a little effect when a smarter and stronger enemy outmaneuvers you.  Such was in the case of Maginot Line in France.  It was designed to resist German attack, but as we know from life, no fortifications are impenetrable.  Germany out-maneuvered France and the sate fell into Germany's hands.  Maginot Line became the symbol of false security.

     We must be aware of this sort of mentality.  We cannot be lulled into a false sense of security by sudden growth in wealth or military strength, removing God from our lives.   God sends the messengers of truth all the time.  There can be no freedom for those who refuse to know the truth, and there is no surer way of failing to know the truth than living a life devoted to lies.  Pride always walks before the fall, as one of my friends use to say.  The rejection of turth drawn from God's word means the difference between life and death.  We can either listen to God's message and follow his ways or refuse his guidance and insist of following our own directions, without God and his guidance.  As Christians, we have been called to demonstrate in life the principles of justice, righetousness and truth.


Fr. Joachim








St. Mary Mass Times

Weekend Mass Times
Saturday 6:00pm
Sunday 8:30am

Daily Mass Times
Wednesday 8:30am
Wednesday: Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament 9am-9:30am
Friday 8:30am
First Friday 8:30am Healing Mass and Adoration

Confession Times
Saturday from 5:30-5:50 or
by appointment by calling the Rectory at 815-858-3422

Ash Wednesday: March 2nd
St. Mary 8:30 A.M.
6:00 P.M.

St. John 4:00 P.M.

St. Mary Office Hours

Tuesday 8:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m.
Wednesday 8:30 am- 3:30 p.m.. by appointment
Thursday 8:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m.

St .Mary Staff

Photo Albums
